Going National - New Zealand Rugby Museum Development Project
Summary document - Going National
Mission and Focus
The mission and focus of the Museum Development (MD) project is to:
Project purpose The Project re-designs the NZRM, and develops it, in stages, as a new-type of rugby museum for the present and future, acknowledging and celebrating the ‘grassroots’ heart of the game
Key idea and method
NZRM Going National is the key idea driving the Museum
Development and it comprises six actions:
The NZRM storytelling project, sharing the NZ story - individuals share a story that is in some way connected with New Zealand rugby, and the NZRM develops it into a storytelling exhibit.
The NZRM Going Rural, nationally - communities and towns capture and celebrate stories from New Zealand’s rural heartland that feature or are linked with rugby.
The NZRM working with NZ libraries and museums, regionally - celebrates and exhibits local, national, and global stories linked to the regions.
NZRM celebrating New Zealand versus the World - an exhibit in each city or town hosting an international match of the day, tells a story celebrating a unique relationship, personality, or event linking the city or town with the international representative team playing, on the day, e.g., Invercargill and Wales; Hamilton and South Africa; Palmerston North and Argentina.
The NZRM taking the story of NZ rugby around the globe – connecting with rugby and sports museums (and possibly others) forging new, and celebrating existing, international connections.
6. |
The NZRM establishes galleries in main urban
– Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, to support substantial and
long-standing exhibitions celebrating rugby traditions, heritage, and legacy;
and develops museum partnerships to both sustain and renew the exhibitions over
Operational Governance
Development Process
The NZRM of the future is a national rugby museum network with national network administration and management provided centrally from Palmerston North, supported by governance and leadership with diverse experience, capability, and talent.
NZRM Going National captures the vision of the Rugby Museum Network, while at the same time, guiding its development nationally in stages. Stage One tests and validates the concept with rural communities and unions. Subsequent Stages expand the Rugby Museum Network at a rate, and on a scale, that is appropriate and manageable, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Development Strategy
Think Big-Start Small is the organisation building principle, which underpins museum development:
1. NZRM Going National is the Think Big aspect; NZRM (Palmerston North) evolves as the Hub of the national Rugby Museum Network – it forms partnerships with stakeholders, and notably with other museums and communities of interest and support nationally, e.g. sponsors of rugby in the regions and nationally, and NZR.
2. NZRM Acting locally and regionally is the Start Small aspect; NZRM engages the interest of existing stakeholders, locally and regionally, to participate in and support the nationwide development and consolidation of the network.
Importantly, the broad and inclusive scope of the Rugby Museum Network concept is timely to accommodate other important projects of national significance, notably NZRM’s Balls, Bullets & Boots exhibition, and connect the overall development with NZR’s Rugby History and Heritage Framework.
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