Youth Publication project
Parent and Teacher research awareness project- publications
This magazine addressed the wide range of issues and opportunities that all young people face during their youth:
MSR Issue 1Issue 1 looks at exemplary middle-years practice - alive and well in schools, generally, for a very long time, which works with and teach young adolescents, not just in intermediate and middle schools.
MSR Issue 2Issue 2 address topics affecting the New Zealand curriculum and the way that, in the future, young people may experience vital, productive and rewarding middle schooling through the school curriculum, across the middle years.
MSR Issue 3Issue 3 focuses on the NZ Curriculum and how it works with this group, most often is referred to as “early adolescents” - No longer children, but not yet mature adolescents.
MSR Issue 4Issue 4’s main articles and resources, on stopping and preventing school bullying, explain clearly how schools may create school cultures and environments that are supportive, enabling and safe.
MSR Issue 5In this Issue 5, at least two authors argue the case that schooling is both culpable for the youth “fall out” and yet also may be responsible for making an enormous difference, for the better.